Sunday 6 March 2011

Getting There!

Friday 4 March 6.30pm

Am writing this just now with an incredible tropical rainstorm going on. The sound of the rain on the decking is drowning out the 7.00pm evening news! We have the Bug Doors closed but  decking doors opened and have turned down the air con (eco friendly system) just so that we can hear it. I  love this and if I hadn’t just showered and washed the hair I would be very tempted to go stand in it!!!  The temperature in this tropical rainforest  I reckon to be circa 32C and a humidity of….300%!  Am badly bitten after 2 hours yesterday so am not going to be stupid!. 

However too much too soon. Wind the tape back to Thursday Morning.

Local transport just so easy as train station to Sydney Airport is right beside Circular Quay Ferry! The flight to Hervey Bay was the hottest flight I’ve ever been on, almost unbearable and I was a bit concerned for Blair who had come home from work on Wednesday having been sick!

Once in Hervey Bay a bus was there to take us to River Heads “check-in”  for the ferry and we were told the next time we saw our luggage it would be in our rooms!  

The geography was quite different to anything previously experienced, soft green grass and lots of succulents. A group (maybe a company teambuilding exercise – Harvard Professional Development for Managers…….aagh!) were with us destined for Fraser Island and they were in work groups as Blair and I enjoyed sitting on the deck watching the world go by! No  traffic just the odd bird. So many different species and all comfortable with humans!
We were then taken to the barge for a 45min trip across the Tasman Sea. It was extremely enjoyable and interesting to see the Captain piloting the ship “Ozzy Style”.

Our luggage was in the front small lorry and as we approached the jetty my understanding of the word “Resort” changed!  A popular destination for vacations: the tendency of a place to be frequented by many people”…… can see from the photo….not a Blackpool!

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