Tuesday 22 March 2011

Last day! Sunday March 20, 2011,

My flight was not until 10.20 in the evening so needed to make hay while the sun shines, well maybe hides behind the rainclouds!

Christina's football game had been cancelled  because of the rain so she  was taking the time to chill out and do the chores we all need to do at weekends. She was going into Sydney later in the afternoon. Hope that went well for you Christina! Eve had moved out on Friday evening to her own new shared flat over at Queenscliff.
They seas were indeed high on Sunday. It was raining hard (but not cold) as I,  with Blair and Ali, took my last nostalgic trip over to Sydney. 

There is something 'retro" about Manly, a feel of the seventies and maybe the ferries contribute to that. I think there are some stories in there somehow! Thomas the Tank Engine and the Fat Controller on the high seas?
At "The Heads" where the Ocean current meets the sea,  the swell was really deep and instead of sailing  in the usual straight lines, the ferries were tacking carefully through the currents. We on board were totally drenched........we could of  course have gone inside BUT ladies of my age.....remember Christa  "When I get Old I will Wear Purple"! 
Blair was quite insistent I move back and sit down, I think he thought I would fall overboard as we were tossed about quite forcibly.  I will admit… I have a couple of large bruises to prove it!

I don't think I will ever lose that joyous  feeling as you sail out of Manly, through "The Heads" and round the Bay with Sydney, The Bridge and The Opera House before you. There are always little boats, yachts and liners moving and changing the dynamic scene.
Today was no different except for the enormous swell bringing a whole new perspective and memory! I spoke with a lady from Dee Why (how did this place get its name) who seemed to find it a bit scary.........we passed Dee Why last night so I could picture where she lived!

The whole area around Circular Quay just buzzes and, as Ali had a date later on in the afternoon, we three went for lunch in the 'Rocks" area and, being the veteran that I am .....we went to a place I had noted on my last visit, the "dare" restaurant, the healthy one with the organic vodka?
Blair and I then sauntered around and just happened to go back to the superb photographic gallery I had discovered on my first visit, the one with the most fantastic black and white photos from interesting perspectives - noted in a previous post. Blair encouraged me!!!!!!! (you can imagine I needed a lot of persuasion).... to buy one as a memento of my visit.   

We came down and round beside the  Museum of Contemporary Art, Annie Leibovitz  Photography Exhibition  still going and came upon some music and the new Hyundai car. They do things well here. Not just gorgeous girls but gorgeous, talented girls playing good music.  
As well as supporting live music, Hyundai were offering  Australians their first glimpse of one of the 'cars of the future', the different  all-new Veloster. Veloster's unique three door layout has one door on the driver's side and two doors on the opposite side allowing easy rear seat access. Veloster is  on display at two locations, on the Western Broadwalk of Sydney Opera House and at the First Fleet Park Hyundai Live Site between the 16th and 20th March. We also saw the  Veloster driving simulator and interactive iPad displays but didn't participate. This is all related to the previous post regarding the Digital Art on the Opera House. 
Once more round past the Opera House and we just looked, absorbed and enjoyed being!   I realised I have not posted any Pics of Lunar Park  with its iconic face at the entrance,  just across the Bay and  along from the Harbour Bridge, near Blair's Vodaphone office.
I felt a little sad but very happy as we travelled back to Manly. You can see Blair's house here, the red roofed one above the little green boathouse and across the road from the very expensive white house with its own  jetty in the middle of the pic.
We sauntered back along the coastal path enjoying the peace and quiet and the sounds and smells of the sea.

I finished packing and before too long Blair  went back into Manly to pick up a car again to take me to the airport.


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