Friday 18 March 2011

Lunch in Otorohanga

We watched Megan reverse the bus into the tiniest of spaces in a busy little street and burst into spontaneous applause. Parallel parking at its very best!

Can't say I am altogether thrilled with NZ cuisine but try to manage to access "real" soup if I can at lunchtime, sandwiches really don't do it for me.

Folks do look at me a little quizzically sometimes when I ask for soup as it is pretty hot here still.

Must say though for someone who has never drunk coffee or tea in her lifetime I am developing a taste for NZ and Aussie coffee. It doesn't matter how little the place there is always a coffee shop and I don't mean Starbucks or a Costas.

Whilst Otorohanga  reminded me of some places in Nevada it is uniquely NZ, maybe it was something to do with the large statues of a couple of kiwis? Janet adding to the scenery.
All carved from one tree.

1 comment:

  1. How on earth did you fit everything that you have treated us to in?????Keep taking too many pictures!!!! Just incredible,moving and certainly enjoyable...lifted my spirits.
    Thank you
