Friday 11 February 2011

A Blue Day Indeed

The weather is indeed, as forecast, a "Blue Day, the temp. currently reading 92F on the blog widget (no-one here uses C).  I have just realised that of course the timing of postings is coming up as UK time.......I deliberately haven't changed the time on my laptop. Add + 11 hours ahead and that gives you the time here at the other side of the world or as Blair puts it're upside down now Mum - where have we heard that one before Ann - Megan methinks at "Croftamie"?

As I was awakened by a phone call at 3.30am this morning from the UK - don't know from whom - I am once again feeling very tired. Spent the morning on Quarantine Beach, the only person there except for the occasional canoeists who come in from presumably Manly for a swim then take off again. A beautiful yacht anchored just offshore obviously for lunch and it looks like they are maybe serious sea fishers by the looks of the enormous rods swooping out from the side of the boat. Don't feel like eating much during the day or in the evening as I eat an enormous and must admit very healthy breakfast.

Every time I go up and down the funicular stairway I count them in the hope that I'll have the same number at least twice (264 to date) and maybe not get so puffed trying to look cool and not out of breath as I try to smoothly glide up without stopping for a rest - just incase anyone is watching!!! What a poser!

Sitting on the verandah (as it is called here - touch of the colonials - you'd love the first class lounge Mike especially wearing your pith helmet),  I intend to do nothing this afternoon other than read. Started second novel a little while ago and I am going to go to bed really early. No hitting the high spots tonight although I believe Friday night is Jazz night in the Boiler House!

Wanting to take advantage of the peace and solitude as tomorrow is cheering on the Beach Volleyball team circa 2.00pm and Sunday I leave here to move into the little apartment before heading off to Sydney Opera House. Moving has to be thought through with my heavy bags. Remember no cars so requiring public transport or maybe I think a taxi!

All comments welcomed  - just hit the comment button at the bottom of a posting and I am alerted by email that there is something for me to look at.


  1. Hi Linda
    Just been into your blog pretty cheesed off as it is cold & wet tonight in Kelty Carol and I are totally jealous that you are down under in aus Will keep up with your trip
    Cheers Raymond

  2. Raymond

    I know you would both love it out here. Tons of work right up your street. Along the coastal path between Blair's flat and Manly Wharf to the Ferry there are lots of fabulous houses and flats some in great condition other needing some sound advice as to what needs to be done to their properties......needing a good Man Friday or should I say a good Man Raymond?

  3. Linda, ignore my email - you sent me your blog address before going down under. My brain is fuddled with the (sinus)pain-killers.

    Blog is great- please keep it going.

