Thursday 10 February 2011

Mundane but oh how absolutely necessary!

Having washed my hair and  dried it I discovered the travel electric rollers weren't working. I thought they had just burned out and sadly was left coiffure looking somewhat sad and unkempt! Resolution....wear a hat! no problem!

A little while later noticed phone was dead. Plugged in via adapter to charge.  Likewise couple of hours later plugged in laptop  via charger.

PANIC stations when I realised nothing happening re charge and laptop dying on life is in there!!!!!!!!

OK, stop faffing and think logically! No power into any electrics so........was there a problem with the sockets themselves? Checked hotel hairdrier with Oz plug attached  and all AOK!  Maybe rollers hadn't burned out after all? Must be adaptor? Need a fuse?

Time here is a bit on the slow side and having phoned reception, yes they did have an adapter suitable for UK appliances and it would be here within 5 mins.  3 hours later and on my way for shuttle bus and no adapter......... Oh sorry has housekeeping not sent you one?

Not to worry I of course bought one in  Manly yesterday and Blair gave me a second so all electrics running and fully charged.

Moral of dependent am I on such a minor but totally necessary although sadly not a stylish piece of equipment?  Should I be changing my lifestyle and ways of being............don't think so!

I really am filling this blog with trivia?

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