Wednesday 9 February 2011

Chilling out first day in Australia!

View from my bedroom suite. The decking area is actually carpeted
From Breakfast Room
It was so peaceful when I awakened at my usual 6.15am (body clock/brain somehow working as normal???). Sun was just coming up and I can see between the buildings across the bay  at 12 o’clock to Sydney on one side and out over Manly Bay at 3 0’clock.  Gorgeous

Dithered about  (body not functioning quite  as normal) before going to breakfast  which I think was one of the best I have ever had anywhere in the world!!! Fruit to die for! Discovered a little too late a great machine which when pressed,  delivers 2 beautifully made pancakes! I think that could be tomorrow's breakfast?

Hotel full of 3 different lots of Conference delegates. Guess what …….Leadership and Management, Managing Change….same everywhere in the world!!!! So were the conversations as I eavesdropped.....mmmmmmm!

The main differences are:

·      no suits, all casually dressed but still business like
·      all carrying mostly iPads with a few netbooks

Sitting here whilst my room is being serviced just soaking in the calm atmosphere and listening as the wind rustles the trees and can here the sound of the distant clinking of glasses. Temp probably about 62/3F in the shade on the terrace.

Broadband access expensive so will get a dongle rather than pay hotel rates - £25 per day!!  Maybe I am a "mean Scotsman" but won't do it at home either especially nowadays!

Having withdrawal symptoms….sad woman or no….. this is me…  I’ve had access / laptops now for 18+ years! Hate being without.


  1. Hi Mum, you know the picture you have across the bay there taken from the deck. thats my flat slap bang in the middle with the Red roof!

  2. Hey

    Maybe I can keep an eye on you or...........more worryingly....... you might keep an eye on me?
