Wednesday 9 February 2011

Gulf of Carpentaria and old memories!

Gulf of Carpentaria

3h 40m  and 1,712 miles to go. We are just crossing the Australian coast east  of Darwin and west of the Gulf of Carpentaria. I remember  a geology exercise in higher geography at school and thinking this “Gulf was amazing” with its “tectonic plates” etc. See where all the land masses used to “fit together”  before slipping apart and being separated by the seas and the oceans – strange how very old memories suddenly pop up from our own “computer brain”.

I can clearly see Miss Begg our geography teacher (can’t believe her name was there immediately, very white faced, ancient, at least 50, obviously put in curlers every night and then didn’t put a brush through them!), complete with black gown and pointer discussing the land masses and rock formations, the map of the world being the only visual aid in a dark, gloomy classroom on the third floor in the “New Building” which was built in the twenties!  Mary do you remember that red sandstone gloomy, cold edifice – a contradiction in terms?

3 million details we were expected to remember and then regurgitate in an exam. No going on-line then to find and research the information. The most up to date references  were the “National Geographic” magazines, bright yellow and often in tatters because they were so well thumbed. I loved them…….Jacques Cousteau and Hans and Lottie Haas…… for those of you old enough to remember. Wonderful  and glossy with amazing colourful photography in distant lands, so different to the sights and sounds of Glasgow in the sixties!  I can still remember the “smell” of them – not unpleasant. I am just thinking that was probably where I got the notion that I needed to go see  and dive or snorkel one day along the Great Barrier Reef.  It’s on my bucket list!  Watch this space. Goodness me can’t believe it is sooooo vivid!

Miss Begg engendered in me a love of everything “geographic” and an urge to go see new places and learn of new cultures. I wonder how far she travelled……...?

Travelling for me then was the tram or the trolley bus to school and the once a year train ride to Helensburgh or the Ferry to Millport or even further afield, to Arran.

Pauline and I on a stony Helensborough Beach making sandcastles???
This is a great way to pass the time on a long plane journey! The ramblings of a blue haired biddy. You’re lucky you can just switch me off at any time, I am stuck with me and my musings!

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