Wednesday 9 February 2011

Hong Kong to Sydney 5.45am HK Time!!!!

Hong Kong flying south and east
Stage 3

Wow  it has been a long time in the one space but whilst it is somewhat strange   being in the dark for so long it has been an incredibly easy flight, quiet and most comfortable. I guess I slept for about 90 mins but of course I’m ready to go to sleep now! Must try to stay awake  through HK and all the way to Sydney so that I’ll crash out when I get to the hotel circa 11.00pm?

16.45 Sydney time (UK  5.45am)

25 hours since I got up.

Totally disorientated, my body hasn’t a clue  whether it is coming or going….maybe that is just normal for me? Couldn’t stay awake so  just stretched out very comfortably and cosily and slept instantly. I awakened after exactly 2 hours as I had been thinking beforehand mustn’t sleep longer than 2 hours as I’ll have difficulty adjusting to Oz time. Seem to have had breakfasts and brunch over the last few meals……. oh for a poached egg!

Menu includes:

·      Sautéed ling fish with sha cha sauce and steamed jasmine rice
·      Pork patty with jasmine rice, pak choy  and shaghainese pak choy
·      Eggplant and garlic agnolotti
·      Yuzu milk chocolate mousse cake
·      Haagen daz ice cream

Interesting  range wouldn’t you say?

We have all been sleeping in our little flat beds  - dark again inside – reminds me of the film “Cocoon” (I think). Each individual hibernating  in suspended animation. Only allowed to emerge when the controller says so (fat or otherwise – Thomas the Tank Engine). Couldn’t be bothered watching TV again or reading – prefer my trusty Mac to keep me amused.

Feels strange not having instant on-line access for so long……..oh how our lives have changed!

Mo and June, exercising now …..3 rounds of mini-golf!!!!!!

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