Saturday 26 February 2011

Last Day in Manly

Having blister problems with feet for first time in my life having bought rubber flip much so that couldn't walk for last couple of days.

Thursday evening met troups off the ferry and we dined on Thai on the wharf steps overlooking the bay just before sunset. Good choice Allie! Obviously getting old as have forgotten what it is like to then go home, shower and change before heading back into Sydney for  a "Hip-hop" event. Needless to say it was Allie and Eve who were the go-getters this time!

Spent Friday packing up  and watching the launch of the Shuttle Discovery 9.00am Oz time. I'm amazed when you think of the technology available in 1984 that they ever managed to get anything into space.........never mind  men on the moon more than a decade earlier.

If you think of the power that we  hold in our hands now with smartphones? Still it was still pretty impressive  even although it reminded me a bit of "Fireball XL5"!

Visited the Manly Museum and Art Gallery, museum mainly focused on the history of a  local hospital specialising in the  health care of youngsters with physical disabilities and the key surgeries they had. Although in the forties through to seventies it still looked somewhat dickensian and we forget how far technology has improved medicine.

Had a wander through "Ocean World" but must admit not a patch on Queensferry! Still I obviously upset a giant cuttlefish with its green blood, 3 hearts, tentacles and ability to change both shape and colour in the blink of an eye. The change of colour can reflect its mood,  red for anger, white for fear multi-coloured for mating displays as well as the capability of adopting the colours of their surroundings for camouflage - the chameleons of the sea. I also saw the little Rays, the ones referred to previously in the Manly Daily! Also learned that the fish spied by Christina and I when snorkling in Shelly beach were not Zebrafish but native  Sydney Cardinal fish.

Took some photos from the roof of the apartment just as the sun was setting on my so far most favourite beach....Shelly Beach. Christina is off snorkling on Saturday morning at Shelly Beach with her underwater camera. If you see the Family of large blue gropers again please send me a pic!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! Can sympathise with your poor feet after wearing flip flops. This always happens to me too! I really can only wear them around the pool area. And there's nothing worse than having sore feet and having to go walking. Photos are great and looking forward to hearing more on your Oz adventure. Mo x
