Friday 25 February 2011

Trapped in a flattened building

I am watching this unfold on TV. A lady is currently trapped on the first floor of a four story building underneath her desk where she is the receptionist. She has been able to speak on the phone just 30 mins after the quake. The floors above her are pancaked and the building looks horrendous. I don't want to say her name, it somehow doesn't seem right. Her son is in Melbourne and is watching this now. Somehow I don't feel  it is morally right to be viewing such personal pain and I question the way the news reader  is asking her such stupid questions......... how are you feeling right now!!!!!! What if it was a member of our family or a close friend? Maybe at least the rescuers may have some idea of where she is, can trace the sound of her phone and I know they will be doing all in their power to get to her. Am saving this as a draft as don't want to post until I know she is safe.

Read in the paper yesterday, Thursday,  that they had amazingly managed to get this lady, Anne Vos,  out relatively physically unscathed after 48 hours.   Her desk saved her but she was trapped by the desk and in a viod. Although I have watched such horrors on TV before I for some reason have been more shocked by this event.

I don't think very much of Australian TV normally and I question the quality of the reporting  of such trauma. BUT! There is no doubt that all of the services, fire, police, ambulance etc do an unbelievable job in horrendous circumstances. Ordinary people also do tremendous things in the face of such adversity, putting other peoples safety ahead of their own. There are folks maybe still alive in there but also many, many people with no homes and nothing but what they stand up in. Just can't imagine how you cope with that.

On second thoughts maybe I shouldn't be so hard on the TV Media, after all they brought this news immediately to the world's attention!

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