Wednesday 9 February 2011

Me in my Element!

Spent Wednesday pm down on Quarantine Beach...only me there........ and sitting on a large rock as the sea crashed round about me.  At one point, out of nowhere, popped the thought........I think I was meant to be a mermaid!!

You can tell the mind is obviously deteriorating with age!

Absolutely idyllic, watching the manly ferry every 30 mins, an older looking man paddle boarding......Blair tells me this is good for your core muscles......... and poking about in the rocks observing the incredible erosion, natures natural sculptures. To Access the beach and the Boiler  House you have to descend the Funicular Staircase - 264 steps down and 264 steps back - which I did on 3 occasions today......... daily exercise whilst here?

 Early morning sky was clear and blue as the sun rose but became overcast by 10.00ish. Air temp  was 26C and sea temp was also 26C! It rained for perhaps 45/50 mins but was warm and pleasant. Didn't mind getting wet!

Weather Forecaster  on TV  this morning said we are going to have a "Blue" day on Friday a different slant to language ............otherwise weather is going to be clear and sunny!

An advert for a job in the Australian Telegraph today  under TOP JOB is looking for an:

Oyster Opener

Experience required for busy seafood shop. With Driver's licence. Please note - Extra training supplied.


Truck and Dog Tipper Drivers  - Plenty of Overtime. Doesn't actually say what this means!!!

Mo could be an alternative lifestyle?????  Learning lots of new things!
The colours and thicknesses of this rock was incredible

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