Wednesday 9 February 2011

My Man in Manly!

Blair came out after work to pick me up so that I could go visit his place. Blair's flat is the top of this building  that looks onto the road. It is a  beautiful place to stay with views down over the Bay and here he is arriving home after a hard day's work in Sydney.
His commute involves walking a mile along the coastal path directly opposite his home into Manly Wharf. The views are just delightful. From there he then takes the Ferry across to Sydney, a ride of circa 30 mins.  Gosh aint life tough! We passed many joggers  and folks either walking or power walking.


As we progressed along he did point out to me to be careful of the many and "GIGANTIC"................. no I am not exaggerating............ spiders en route above out heads. I took several pics as I went along but as you can imagine I didn't stay underneath the enormous webs for very long! They are in the trees and wires and you literally walk underneath them! These ones were about 8-10 feet above our heads to give you some sense of size! We wandered about Manley  for the rest of the evening so that I could get my bearings and then ate in a nice little Italian before getting a taxi back to QS.

Having slept for 2 hours I pinged awake at 2.30am and as you see I have spent the night putting up all of my postings  with the new dongle  so,  as now 6.45am, will get ready to go to breakfast. Sun is already shining on the opposite side of  the Bay. Guess who'll maybe  be going for a sleep later this morning before venturing into manly this Thursday afternoon!

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