Sunday 20 February 2011

Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art - Annie Leibovitz

To wake up to this view every morning is just so stunning. I could never get used to this view or to the sounds of the crashing surf!  It feels as if it is going to be hot today? It has rained during the night and there seems to be a mist….maybe steam rising  20 feet high above the edge of the sea and all the way around the coast? I note the temp in London is 3C at the moment?

Blair and I met up with Issie and her son James and very soon bride to be, Felicity  at Ash’s Café for Sunday Brunch. It was lovely to see James and Blair  chatting very easily just the way we did all those eons ago before we were married! It had been Felicity’s “Hen” night last night  but she was bright and breezy and ready for a run/swim after brunch settled. 

Hey I also met someone there I knew!  Nadine (Opera House companion!) was having brunch with  some of her friends before snorkling  on Shelly Beach.
Blair and I then took the ferry across to Sydney to go the  Museum of Contemporary Art. An incredible exhibition of Annie Leibovitz’ Work, A Photographer’s Life 1990 – 2005, a real mixture of  professional commissions and family photographs sharing some very personal and emotional times in her life.  You may remember some of her  photographs, John Lennon and Yoko Ono just a few hours, before he was shot, a very pregnant naked Demi Moore on the cover of Vogue. She is some lady, a real "genius", in the true meaning  of the word ..... a very good vintage of course. A beautiful book with same name  has also been published, I think on my shopping list when I get home!  The exhibition has been in Europe but if  ever comes to Scotland I would highly recommend it and certainly go again!

If you are interested in learning a little more AL visited the MCA on February 9th 2011 
Annie Leibovitz meets the Sydney news media at the MCA

You Tube film -  "Time Magazine Interviews Annie Leibovitz"


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