Sunday 20 February 2011

Slam, Snorkling, Wedding, Barramundi?

A Volleyball Slam, what’s that you say? Basically a competition where all teams dress up. Now whilst fancy dress is not Blair’s scene his team captain came up with sensible playing gear remembering this is happening in the hot sun! It really was great fun and some teams had gone to great lengths not just to look the part but to match their team name, prisoners, devils, kitchen maids, hawaiian ladies –all men of course, clowns, dwarfettes etc etc. There were all levels of players and a lot of laughter and genuinely a great time had by all. Blair’s Team, European Tour, took the points from their first game…they didn’t exactly win….ie the other team just didn’t show! A good start! The winning team included three Oz international players….Blair’s Team, lost to them!

Blair (with the cap) in action at the net
Christina having surfed in the morning came down to beach and Nic came across on ferry from Sydney so we “girls” chilled” out in the afternoon sun for a while.  We then sauntered round to Shelly Bay for some snorkling in the sea to cool down. Hundreds and hundreds of little zebra fish, some large mother- of-pearl type shimmering fish and a family of three enormous gropers were the main highlights of my undersea experiences. Christina just looked like a mermaid as she dived down onto the seabed to get close to the gropers…….she didn’t however “tickle” them!

Just as we were coming out of the sea a “Wedding” party was walking along the pathway to an area decorated  and set out with chairs right on the beach.  It was somewhat surreal as I always thing of weddings  on a beach as romantic and quiet….however…. there must have been  at least 60/70 guests and at least 5/600 uninvited others! Needless to say the bride was beautiful!

Eventually we set of to our respective homes, showered  and met up again for dinner in Manly where I had my first taste of “Barramundi” the local fish. I was shattered and fell into bed at midnight….such an exhausting day!

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