Sunday 6 February 2011

Too much Stuff!

You would think by now after all these years that I would know not to take as much stuff! I will not wear half of it as I always only wear my most favourite things, black, black and more black with the odd white thing thrown in!  Leaving the house  in 5h 30m and still to shower, wash hair etc. Too excited to sleep. Hopefully  will manage some sleep on at least one of the flights,  London to Hong Kong is 11h 35m, a 1h 55m change over to a new plane (at least the same terminal  so hopefully not too tight) then 9h 30m Hong Kong to Sydney. Imagine I'll be out of it by the time I touch down in Sydney at 9.00pm their time on Tuesday night.  Just going to try to enjoy the flights and relax!

G'day mates. See ya down under!

1 comment:

  1. Monday morning, woke up to snow (yet again!) Hope you got away ok. Safe trip.x
