Tuesday 1 March 2011

Advice to all Intrepid Travels!

We meet all kinds of folks and we all have different ways of dealing/responding to others. It may be worthwhile to remember the following as you stand perhaps tired and impatient in a long queue at an airport check-in!

Imagine the scene:
  • Issie and her husband standing in queue at check-in in Hong Kong airport, destination Sydney Australia.
  • american couple in front of them being extremely rude and aggressive towards the lady trying to check them in for their flight.
  • couple most unhappy and obviously making it known and heard to all around.
  • couple get boarding passes and eventually go away.
  • Issie and husband so shocked at the behaviour of the american couple.
  • when they were called forward to check in they said to the lady behind the desk how sorry they were that she had to take such abuse from anyone.
  • lady behind desk says not to worry, no problem..............................their luggage was now on its way to Mumbai, India!
Moral of the story ..........a little courtesy and a smile could keep you out of a lot of trouble!

1 comment:

  1. no there is a great story.... bit like the water putting something in your meal-but much more powerful
    Journey FABULOUS FABULOUS so many forgotten hero/heroines that we should all know about;but your journey is such an 'eclectic' mix of new experiences renewed friendships-not even one hat Linda????? explorations findings and wonderful as always photos that allow us into your world with you.Thanks again
    Ann(from lovely refurbed Royal Hotel room overlooking Bridge of Allan in all its greyness!!!!!!!
