Wednesday 2 March 2011

Down to Earth!

Even the most intrepid traveller needs to get back to basics. This morning I had a long lie until 9.00am and then had to get down to the business of washing clothes and getting organised for the next part of the trip.

After basic chores completed I explored the neighbourhood  around here from Blair's flat, Fairlight and Balgowlah, bought some foodstocks for the next few days and then meandered down the coastal pathway just enjoying the sites and sounds - this remember is Blair's daily commute to the ferry! 

Found a couple of places that I could live in if I had a spare 5 or 6 million dollars.......the house three along from Blair would suit me fine!

My companions later in the afternoon included a few spiders and a very noisy Kookaburra as well as a guitarist somewhere playing some great Bob Dylan and a not so great trumpet person obviously practising scales!

The pathway is just lovely and I started to think of women in the past well known for exploring different parts of the globe ....and space of course.

"Who knows the flower best? The one who reads about it in a book, or the one who finds it wild on a mountainside?" -- Alexandra David-Neel

A totally different world 100 years ago for women in general never mind 200 years ago! No technology, maps etc etc. Who do you think of when you think of explorers...Magellan, Christopher Columbus, maybe Amelia  Earhart.  Have you heard of Harriet Chalmer Adams or Isabella Bird Bishop?

If you are interested in Women Explorers have a look here; maybe I should be thinking of a career change as I move towards retirement...........  criteria over 60, a woman of modest means?

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