Wednesday 2 March 2011

Wentworth Falls - A different perspective across Jamison Valley

En route back to Sydney we stopped off at Wentworth Falls for lunch, a place to further explore......the next time I come to Oz! Lots of great trails to walk and of varying difficulty.

Eunice I am sure a must for the local walking club!

I was somewhat jelly-like when I took the photo looking across to the cliff and could see folks walking one of the trails, I should add that the handrail did look well embedded into the rock!

Second pic zoomed in to prove they were daft enough to walk this route! You can see them if you look closely.

The falls themselves are  pretty awesome  from the top and I think I would enjoy walking that trail down on the valley floor. This is a cheat as I didn't take the time though?

Wentworth Falls is probably the most stunning waterfall in the Blue Mountains. Having two sections falling from the top to a ledge half way down and then again to the very bottom of the valley, if there was no break, these falls would be the highest waterfall in the Blue Mountains.

This site gives a very brief summary of some of the wonders in the Jamison Valley and might be for those who wanted to join up with a tour?.

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