Sunday 6 March 2011

Great Dingo Excitement!

Our next photo opportunity  created much excitement. Due to the shape of the bus not many folks can see out of the front window but, when the Ranger driver spotted a Dingo way ahead chasing   a 4x4, he sped up to see if we could catch it! He stated that if we were going to see one it was likely to be on the beach and he was right.

We caught up with the dingo, just a pup, and I was surprised at how sleek and healthy he looked with a wonderfully  smooth coat. He reminded me of a cross between a fox and an alsation dog. I am thrilled  to have had an opportunity to see one in the wild......from the safety of the bus! I am not so sure  I would feel as comfortable if confronted by even one adult never mind several at any given time

We had been well warned  about dingoes and the importance of taking sensible precautions around them. There are  treated almost like bears in the States and Canada and there are many signs warning people of the dangers. The Kingfisher bay Resort is surrounded by a 2 metre high wire fence to keep the dingoes out!

Fraser Island's dingoes are one of eastern Australia's purest remaining population. Dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) are thought to have been introduced to Australia between 3,000-8,000 years ago from Asia. They are similar to the domestic dog and the two can inter-breed, though dingoes have only one litter of 3-4 pups a year, usually around August/September. It should be remembered that they are wild and deserve the same respect which we give to other wild, carnivorous animals.

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