Thursday 10 March 2011

Kia ora tatou

Translated means Hello Everyone.

A complete contrast Fraser Island to Hervey Bay, Sidney to Auckland in the space of 24 hours. All travel has gone according to plan and am now happily ensconced in hotel in the very centre of Auckland. Great view from bedroom re the skyline including the Sky Tower. ...not unlike Seattle. Took myself off exploring around the hotel and down by the water.
Enjoying the contrasting architectural styles a good example being two  of the external walls of the pristine train station just next to my hotel which you can see here at the side! Older perspective on "front" of building and modern facade at back!

Attractive harbour area but not nearly as stunning as Sydney. Had to make sure I took a picture of the Vodaphone building Blair! Met  some of the members of the group and then took myself out for an evening meal.  A Oz couple (Janet and Les) in the group happened to come into the same restaurant and invited me to join them. It was great  having some company and meeting new people.

 The Tour I am on is called Northern Discovery and is limited to the North Island. The main advantages for me are that luggage is dealt with, hotels are booked and I don't have to worry about driving, traffic or getting from A to B! This is a totally new experience for me and one  I am looking forward to.

There is a two hour time difference (ahead) between Oz and New Zealand so difference now is 13 hours ahead of UK.

Temperature circa 20C, pleasantly sunny, no humidity but cools considerably in the evening.

Po marie (Good night).

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