Tuesday 8 March 2011

One More Step Along the World I Go

Arrived at next new destination after a good flight via Emirates to….........Auckland, New Zealand!  Couldn’t see much out of plane window as wing was so blooming big…I could have jogged along it! Anyway my very first ever siting of New Zealand.

At moment can’t get internet access for longer than 10 minutes so posting this just to let you know I’m here. Posts might be very intermittent over next 8 days as I am travelling around the North Island only. Access to South has been severely curtailed. Watch this space.

I’m excited to be here even if it is much colder, 18C today.  Explored the city around the hotel  for a couple of hours after arriving @4.00pm.

First impressions:
  • Complete contrast to Fraser Island where we've just been, in the centre of the city of course
  • seems very cold although been 18C and beautifully sunny
  • an incredible number of young people smoking 
Hope to get access sorted out although I am travelling around.

1 comment:

  1. I am stil looking in utter fascination at your continuing journey and the wealth of information that we are gleaning.....and magnificent pics as usual. Ann
