Tuesday 22 March 2011

Mothership has Landed!

Well Blair am home at last having had the most incredible  6 weeks. It has been fantastic seeing a new country, sorry two new countries, and meeting your new friends, they are indeed your family. I am so happy life is good for you and having picked up you email this morning I could have told your company you were brilliant.  Scott Timber eat your heart out.

Thanks to Ali and Christina for letting me stay, you'll wonder how much space you have now I'm gone and Eve is in Queenscliff. It's been a joy meeting you and I'm glad Blair has such good friends even if he is the "Kitchen Police".  I've obviously trained him well!

Love to you  both and you have a bed here any time. I will be back so any new place has to have a "put up space even on an air mattress on the floor!

See you all soon.


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