Tuesday 22 March 2011

Some unrelated pics which all have meaning for a range of reasons.

These pics are not related but just taken in various contexts on my travels!

My new friends made in New Zealand in Wellington. Hope you are still enjoying the tour. Will be in touch once you are home!
A new maori Grandma in Otorhanga with her 4 week old absolutely gorgeous grandson. She was so proud and explained she was wearing the flower headdress to indicate her new status. A bit like an "L" plate.

Jim and I down under on a future visit to Blair. Watch out,  the Christies are about!
Thought I might put an offer in for this Mo to help me on my way round the golf course but couldn't  work out how I would get it on the plane?
Cape Reinga, just so beautiful one of my very favourite spots ever.
There were thousands and thousands.....no exaggeration, of these minute, tiny crabs on Fraser Island. They headed  straight for the sea but every time a wave touch them they scuttled, swiftly sideways and then advanced once more. Blair and I watched them going nowhere fast!

Lunch on 90 mile beach, Fraser Island, Australia in our hired jeep, no cars from the mainland allowed on the island.
Another bit of my laidback friend in the Ladies at Eurong Resort!

Stonetool Sandblow.
The view from our deck bedroom in a downpour in sub-tropical Fraser Island. The night noises were so loud from all the hidden creatures.

Veloceraptors etc hiding in the undergrowth so sleep with the doors closed!
Be careful on this highway because if you are really lucky you might just see another vehicle and you must keep to the 30 kph speed limit! I think that  is a car on yon horizon!
Caught anything yet Jimmy? No not yet? Is this not the bit on the Pacific ocean that you are not allowed to go swimming .........because of the sharks? Should we be standing this far out?
Sunset at Echo point in the Blue Mountains, Australia

Known in New Zealand, although this is Sydney, as the American Embassy.....McDonalds!
Surfer in a wave in Manly, Australia!
Coming out of the Sydney Opera House,  Madame Butterfly, an evening never to be forgotten, a "Golden Moment".

Sunday afternoon at the opera with Nadine.

You still look glamorous after the volleyball on Manly Beach Christina, even soaking wet!

My first morning in Australia at Q Station. How could anything be more perfect and yet every day just got better and better

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