Monday 7 March 2011

A selection of yesterday's photos

The Gum tree sheds its bark on an annual basis and an insect bores under the surface in the sap leaving this Squiggly pattern... natures own graffitti?

I  love the shapes, patterns and colours of these woods. I'm sure Merlin will appear at any moment!
A close up of the "Squiggly Tree".

What a place to fish!

On arrival on the beach highway we could just see the traffic in the distance!

Cane Toads! Just hearing those words creates fear and loathing in many Australians. These feral amphibians have become a major invasive threat to Australian biodiversity since their introduction in North Queensland. Reports that these poisonous amphibians have invaded through the Northern Territory and have just reached Western Australia fuel this national sense of fear and loathing. Community groups have been mobilized in the attempt to quell this stampede. During the day, at any one time around the pool there were hundreds of these tiny amphibians no bigger than an index fingernail. I overhead a fairly heated argument between two australians regarding the "invasion" of these beasts.

My favourite places will always be near or related to oceans or seas  but I did find this place Wanggoolba Creek to be really magical!

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