Sunday 13 March 2011

Te Paki - Giant Sand Dunes and Quicksand Stream

The tide was rushing in fast onto  the 90mile beach as we headed inland and up through a quicksand stream.

The vegetation was high on both sides but the pathway was just slightly wider than the width of the bus as we wended our way northwards.

As we climbed higher the stream petered out as did the vegetation and we found ourselves in the middle of the Giant Sandunes at Te Paki.
I must admit I would have loved to be able to have a go, my excuse of course being...a bad back! Notwithstanding......or falling down etc.... a few of my intrepid travelling companions from Oz did not let their country down.  Go for it Les!
The redoubtable duo, Les and Janet, took up the challenge. To Boldly Go.......etc.

Before completing the mission there was the bit before  viz getting to the top of the ski tows etc and remember how hard it is to walk on flat warm sand never mind uphill!

It became a scary challenge as we watched young and old alike huff and puff their way up the very tall dunes, appear on the skyline and then launch themselves over the brow of the dune and slide, ski, tumble their way down, often overshooting at the bottom and ending very wet in the creek! You might just recognise the sleek and swift, obviously beautifully and accurately steering boarder  just over the top of the dune, the intrepid Les.
Arriving at the bottom, safe and well and feeling most exhilerated! Les you wouldn't have been able to hear the cheers for you as your ears, as well as several other orifices, were  filled with the fast flying sand!

For a gentleman, not quite in the first flush of youth............. we bow to you!

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