Thursday 10 February 2011

Q Station Bus Stop!

Kookaburra not in a gum tree!
By the Bus Stop!

Still not got sleeping pattern sorted but no point in trying too hard!  Wandered about the Station yesterday morning but not yet brave enough to dip into the ocean!  That's for tomorrow. As no cars allowed on site walked to the bus stop to await the free shuttle bus which is a 15 min ride into Manly. Not many  where you can sit and watch the passing yachts scuttling over the waves and listen to the Kookaburras cackling away on the trees!

Eve and Blair

Allie and Eve - space for Christina whom I haven't met yet
Explored around the town and found the “apartment” where I will stay from  Sunday. The town sits on an isthmus and ”The Corso” is a main pedestrianised  street which links one sea across the isthmus to the Tasmin Sea. It is only maybe a little over half a mile long but the wind on the Pacific side is so much stronger and a little cooler.

Lots and lots of fantastic  eateries and an unbelievable amount of coffee shops, Aussies are into their coffee in a really big way! Checked out the pier to see how the ferries operated and then spent the latter part of the afternoon reading ……. a novel!  and chilling in the temp of 28C fanned by the sea breezes. Not the same meaning as chilling out at home just now!

The “workers” came off the ferry from Sydney and I met Allie and Eve, Blair’s flatmates and after some beers at …the Beir Keller Café…….we walked back along the coastal path to their home. Home in a taxi by 10.30 and shattered doing nothing!


  1. Blair looks very relaxed in the company love hearing your story-say hi to blair and his 'pals'-can you believe you are in ozzz????

  2. No. I still can't believe I'm really here! It does feel so much further away than the States, Canada or Antigua. I am getting your comments but as you see as "Anonymous" and not as Ann? You were Ann in the first couple so what's different? Will pass on your message to Blair.
