Wednesday 16 February 2011

Nearly an Aussie?

Day 8 already. In some ways I feel as if I have been here forever as I seem to have done a fair bit and yet time is flashing by. The last couple of days have been very sunny and beautifully warm, loving it! 

Walked along the beach  towards Queenscliff this morning. The surf is just incredible but not safe for swimming, currents far too strong. Plenty warning signs to that effect and lifeguards a plenty.  Folks of all ages here as it is a holiday area and still the summer. Although still only 9.00am young mums and buggies, old foggies out for their morning constitutional and mostly young men out on their surfboards, the occasional female. Why aren’t these folks working? Surely can’t all be on holiday?

Having said about all these people the beach is just enormous and they   are very scattered!

Climbed up the cliff, I am so unfit and found a little CafĂ© “Splat” but didn’t know if this was the one where Eve worked (later discovered it was). Although small 2 different young women obviously using it as their workspace sitting high on the cliff overlooking the ocean – can’t be bad!. I see far more Macs and iPhones here than any other (90%), PCs or other smartphones. Sensible people not that I am biased of course being an “Apple Distinguished Educator”!   

Over the top of the cliff and down into the next cove – Freshwater Beach. For some reason it didn’t do it for me and after 30mins climbed back up cliff and down onto North Steyne again and the surfers. Nuff exercise for the day!

Just relaxed and read for rest of day before  going out to meet Blair’s friends at The Beir Keller. A few folks had to call off for various reasons but ………!!!!!

Was just interrupted there by a Skype call from my friend Ann in Antigua. It is 8.00am  Thursday here in Manly  and 5.00pm Wednesday in Antigua. Isn’t technology wonderful! We caught up on the news - hey Antigua to Australia – pretty cool for 2 older ladies! Am going to visit Ann in Antigua in May and hopefully a few of the Caribbean islands! Feels a bit like “Letter from America” for those of you who remember Alastair Cooke but only so much more personal – she’s seen me early morning with no make up!

Back to Blair and his friends. The evening was full of fun and chat and it is so interesting listening to what life is like for young people in Australia. They have all taken a big leap by coming here and recognise the importance of friends as family is far away. They are from all professions, engineer, quantity surveyor, doctor, community housing, dentist, maths teacher, world of finance, recruitment  etc and are so supportive of each other.  They work hard although all have said the work ethic is a little different here and that generally things are more laid back and the Aussies idea of stress is nothing like home! Kellie has given me some great simple advice re getting around Sydney  and Bondi, trains and boat and buses!
Hi to all – Neil and Kellie, Steph and Steve, Nicola and Dr Keiron, Phil, Scouse Keiron, Rich, Lauren, Jess, Sam and of course Allie, Christina and Eve. Thanks for a great evening!

Factual information!
·      I am acquiring a taste for beer with either passion fruit or mango – mmm deeelicious!
·      The noise of the parakeets flying outside was quite deafening at times!

Neil and Kellie I do expect you to come visit should you come home to Kinross at any time!!

Well now I wonder what I shall get up to today as writing this post Thursday am? Not too much as I am pretty exhausted just socialising! 

1 comment:

  1. How could you?beer and passion fruit-i will reeducate you with rum/vodka/wine punches when you return to Antigua. x Ann
