Tuesday 15 February 2011

Wow! What a day!

Morning started in Manly with my buying a new phone so that I could get local rates when using phone rather than the expensive use of my iPhone. Interesting experience in itself. I’ve never had a pay as you go phone  and never needed my passport before? Have forgotten how to do basics. Took me about 20 mins to work out how to send a text! So much for being a “techie”!

Girls at "The Balmoral"! Where else?
Issie has been in Australia since 1974 - she was just a girl then, still is of course - and she came to pick me up at the apartment at 12.30. I was so excited! I just can’t believe I am here and meeting up with her in what is her homeland now. It was as if all the intervening years  since I was 19 and first knew her had just disappeared and we picked up as if it were only yesterday!  So much to say and so many things to share.

We lunched at “The Balmoral” overlooking yet another fabulous beach and just caught up on lives and families, what to do and where to go whilst I am here in Australia. The time passed too quickly but we will get together again.

It was time to dash home, a quick change and off to  catch the 4.15pm ferry into Sydney, another first for me.  A really efficient and comfortable mode of transport. Can’t believe that this is part of Blair’s daily commute! It is so beautiful and such an incredible site approaching Sydney from the sea can’t imagine ever getting used to it! The return journey was $13.20 but you can buy a weekly ticket which allows infinite number of trips on ferry, buses and trains for a very reasonable sum.

Met Blair after he finished work, dined at one of the restaurants at the harbour  and then, once again, we sauntered along the walkways  to the Opera House.  Perhaps he would not have chosen to go to see Madame Butterfly on his own but for me this was one of those “golden moments” in my life, one that will be with me forever. I think this was one of the first operas I fell in love with as a child in Glasgow, listening to the music on the radio, our only form of entertainment. 


Surrounded by the  sites and sounds as folks gathered on the terrace for drinks, the laughter and the range of languages as I eavesdropped on conversations, all very special but just nothing compared to the performance itself inside such a wonderful auditorium. The orchestra tuning up, the lights, the music, exquisite! Just magical, no words adequate to describe my experience… 7th heaven?  

I was transported and quite emotional. Every time in the future when I listen to One Fine Day or  the Humming Bird Chorus I will be in Sydney Opera House! 

Home by midnight exhausted and very, very happy! Thanks Blair x
If you are interested you can have a quick look here just for a “nano second” of the experience.

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