Thursday 24 March 2011

Home at Last!

It always gives me a warm feeling as the plane flies over the The Forth Road and The Forth Railway Bridges when returning home into Edinburgh Airport.

The sunsetting over in the west and knowing I'll be home soon over the bridge northwards  to "The Crook" takes all the tiredness away........well maybe not quite!

Why don't they call it "Jet Confusion" rather than "jet lag"? My body clock will take a few days to readjust as I "ping" wide awake at 2.00am having forced myself to stay awake until 10.00pm. 
I watch the waning moon from my bedroom as it sets across from the field  behind the trees and the mists huddle over the cold ground as day breaks at 5.45am. 

The birds are "singing" a little differently to the screeching of the cockatiels. Come on spring, I am freezing, get some heat into the sun. Going for a drive up my favourite Glens, Glendevon and Gleneagles today. Have so missed my car!

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